Assignment Instructions/ Description
Task 1�Implement the following Design Pattern to create a 'Common Look and Feel' to be used on every page of your website.Image transcription textHEADER (OR BANNER)
FOOTER... Show more�Your web site will include the following PHP scripts:�� Header.php�� Footer.php�� Menu.php�� Input.php�� Session1.php�� Session2.php��NOTE: Input.php, Session1.php, Session2.php all must include the Common look and feel implemented in Header.php, Footer.php and Menu.php.��Header.php�Header.php must contain a script to display a Common Header that will appear on every page. The header must display Program Name ��Footer.php�Footer.php must contain a script to display a Common Footer that will appear on every page. The footer must contain First NameMenu.php�Menu.php must contain a script to display a Common Menu to be show on every page. The menu must contain links to Input.php, Session1.php and Session2.php�Input.php�a PHP script that will perform the following tasks:�1. Divide the content area of this page into two sections (Side by Side)Image transcription textSample Lab 8
Lab 8 - Frims and Sexodum State
Input Seesical
First Name
Fire Name
Last Name:
Phone Number
Phone Number
Maffe Student o Facultyo
Type EW/7 Fir... Show more�2. On the left side: �a form that accepts the following information from the user�a. Text box, First Name�b. Text box, Last Name�c. Text box, Phone Number�d. Radio Button List, with the values Staff, Student and Faculty�e. Select, a select box that lists 4 Game: Hockey, Basketball, Soccer, Tennis�f. Submit button with the text 'Submit Information'��3. On the right side: When the user clicks 'Submit Information' gather all the information from the form on the left side and display the results on the right sideImage transcription textSuple Lab &
Lab B - Forms and Session State
First Name
First Nune, Richand
Last Name
Last Name: Johnson
Phone Nutthat
Phone Number: 6131231234
Staff D Stadent & Faculty O
Type Factily
Game Hockey... Show more�Session1.php�a PHP script that will perform the following tasks:�1. Implement the same form listed in Input.php, Part 2�2. This time, when the user clicks 'Submit Information' , store all the information gathered from the form in the Session State�3. Automatically Redirect the user to Session2.phpImage transcription textSample Lab 3
Lab 8 - Forms and Session State
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First Name water
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Staff Smointo Faculty
Ginter... Show more�Session2.php�Once the user is forwarded to Session2.php, display the results of the information gathered in the form on Session2.php�Image transcription textSample 1.ab 3
Lab 8 - Form and Session State
First Name: Richand
Last Name Johnson
Hinge Number 6131231234
Type: Facully
Gune: Hockey... Show moreNOTE: Form and Session State Code (Forms.php, Session_RetrieveValues.php, Session_StoreValues.php) provide examples of how to do all of these things.�