Assignment Instructions/ Description
topic is feasibility study for the development of a mobile app for language learning Image transcription textAssignment-Report Introduction-Working Draft
Length: 1 % - 2 pages
Format: Draft Introduction
Due Date: Friday March 13" (11:59 PM through Brightspace)
Value: 5% of your final grade
Now that you have chosen a topic and started your research, it is important to start the preliminary work on your report.
In order to ensure that you are not leaving your work until the last minute, this assignment asks you to create a draft of
your report's Introduction section.
Many people find the Introduction to be the most difficult part of the report to write-this is normal. For this reason,
you should consider the product of this assignment to be a working draft-one that will likely change in terms of its
content and approach as you continue to work on the body sections of the report.
While this is only expected to be a draft of your Introduction, you should still pay close attention to content, writing
mechanics (spelling, grammar, etc.), and to the overall structure of the Introduction. To that end, your Introduction
should include all of the required elements discussed in the Sample Introductions posted to Brightspace in Week #7.
Your working draft should be approximately 1 % - 2 double-spaced pages in length (10% of the overall report length).
You are not required to incorporate research into your Report Introduction. If you do, it must be properly cited and a
References List must also be attached.
If you are working in a group - only one Introduction is required to be submitted, but please make sure that the names
of all group members appear on it. Because you will all receive the same marks, you should all contribute to the
creation of the Introduction, and you should all be involved in editing the document.
This assignment will be marked according to the following checklist:... Show more