Assignment Instructions/ Description
Image transcription textTE buffer is used to resuspend the cells after centrifugation.
The buffer made in lab has a final ph range between 9-11.
The centrifuge cycle ran is 10000 rpm for 10 min at 4C.
If you are not gentle removing your tube after centrifugation, you will have to
centrifuge again to reform your pellet.
2. Fill in the blanks. Each question is worth 1 mark.
a) We will use
to cover the tubes.
b) The
is the fluid component on the surface in the
centrifuge tubes after centrifugation.
c) All items that came into contact with the bacteria go into the
d) The enzyme
requires Mg2+ ions to function properly.
is placed in the buffer to help sequester divalent cations.
The letter "T" in the buffer made stands for... Show more