Assignment Instructions/ Description
Respond to two of your peers. Did any of your peers' responses provide additional insight that was not included in your original post? Did they change your original perspective on either question or both? Explain and discuss with your peers in your follow-up post.�1) Hello everyone,Changes in employee roles due to organizational shifts influenced individual behaviors and perceptions because of the difference in mindsets and ideas. There are no organizations without the individuals that make them up, therefore the behaviors of these individuals directly affect the success of the organizations and how tasks are completed. With Millennials "making up more than 50% of the global workforce by 2020." (Chadha, S & Kumar, S.A, 2018), we can expect this number to have increased by 2023. Millennials are more focused on how a job makes them feel, thus making it easier for them to leave a position for one that they feel is more valued and respected. As a leader motivating and supporting my team, creates an environment where employees feel they are getting the most out of their employment. Job satisfaction ensures that employees are feeling invested in, and that they have opportunities for growth and advancement. When different individual's perceptions and behaviors are supported, respected, and heard it shifts the organization into a place where people want to be and work hard to meet organizational goals.�I believe that these organizational shifts through the generations have influenced performance positively. Millennials like myself, pride themselves on being individuals and promoting diversity. "We also are (accustomed to instantaneous reactions) which helps to figure out what isn't working and fix it right away to keep the wheels rolling." (Chadha, S. & Kumar, S.A 2018) This has created a space where employees are able to speak their opinions on how to create better work environment and increase productivity in the workplace. When individuals feel that their opinions are valued and heard, we can expect to see the importance and positives of the different perceptions and behaviors in the workplace. This directly impacts the organization and its performance, because it allows for more growth due to different ideas being put into effect.��Chadha, S. & Kumar, S.A. (2018). The Engagement Paradox At Work. Human Capital, 21(10, 14-21. Retrieved from�2) Hello class,I hope everyone has an excellent week and your term has been going well! After reading "The Engagement Paradox at Work", I pondered on the idea that organizational shifts and their influence on individual behaviors and perceptions due to differences in mindset. For example, "Generation X were more prone to be more independent and they valued more of their own personal-professional interests rather than those of the company," (Purdue, 2019). Compared to older generations, Generation X has been more capable and even willing to leave a job if it does not satisfy their needs, rather than staying with one organization for the length of an individual's career. Additionally, Millennials are more achievement-oriented, which assists their generation in staying relevant in competitive jobs and industries. Millennials also focus on employee satisfaction, in turn increasing positive behavior and job productivity.� Generation Z tends to be more personable in their relationships with coworkers and employers in addition to work ethic and responsibility.�While it appears, many employers are displeased with the generational shifts from Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z, there have been several positive impacts, especially for employees. There has been an increased amount of pride taken in individuality, which has thus, increased job diversity. "We also are (accustomed to instantaneous reactions) which helps to figure out what isn't working and fix it right away to keep the wheels rolling (Chadha, S., & Kumar, A., 2018). Another interesting aspect of organizational performance is evaluation surveys or financial incentives. For many companies, there is an annual performance evaluation which comes with a potential bonus or even raise. However, there are many employees who are no longer motivated by performance evaluations and may choose employees who give raises annually regardless. Instead, employers must focus on employee retainment through building rapport and creating personal surveys to establish personal goals and ways to improve. For example, in my last position, my senior supervisor would hold monthly meetings to go over KPI expectations and ways to improve, without the pressure of a performance evaluation or review. Once she left, so did many of the tenured employees as the company culture significantly shifted. Thank you!References:Chadha, S., & Kumar, S. A. (2018). The Engagement Paradox At Work.�Human Capital,�21(10), 14-21.Purdue. (2019). Generational Differences in the Workplace. Retrieved from Purdue Global, Nov. 15, 2021,